3 Underappreciated Facts About The JCP Transformation Penney moncler mens
coats (NYSE:JCP) transformation has been tough so far. Critics
rightfully point to significant drops in samestore sales and disjointed efforts
combining the vibrant new shops with the rest of the drab store. Critics fail to
appreciate three key points about the shop concept.
Advertising efforts from each shop will supplement JCP's advertising. This
has become apparent with March's Joe Fresh launch. Joe Fresh is a Canadianbased
clothing brand described as stylish and affordable. Its decision to roll out in
America through JCP was a huge moncler
womens coats coup for Ron Johnson. There have already been a few local
newspaper stories talking about Joe Fresh's launch, and there will be many more
from now until March. Joe Fresh has a flagship store in Manhattan, but that's
about it for its American presence. It's likely brands like Joe Fresh will
advertise that they can be found in JCP, drawing shoppers to the stores. Joe
Fresh is also active in social media and will build meaningful word of mouth
Joe Fresh won't be alone. JCP will eventually roll out 100 shops by 2015,
most of which will advertise that they can be found at your local JCP store. If
you're attracted to the Disney shop within JCP because of an ad, you'll have to
walk by Sephora and Levi's and Joe Fresh and Tourneau. 100 shops mean 100 social
media accounts, at least occasionally encouraging shoppers to visit their shops
within JCP. It truly leverages the power of each brand and should moncler
womens jackets increase sales across all brands within the new JCP.
Exclusive products defeat Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and eBay (NASDAQ:EBAY). These
companies compete on price and convenience. There are two ways to beat moncler mens
jacketsthem: provide products that can't be found on those platforms and
provide moncler mens
vests a unique and attractive instore experience. JCP is certainly
making positive strides towards providing a better instore experience, with the
introduction of Caribou Coffee (NASDAQ:CBOU), and eventually entertainment and
things like cooking and yoga classes. Those aren't here yet, though.
I'd like to focus on the exclusivity. Toys "R" Us (TOYS) has done a great job
of providing exclusive toys, especially around the holidays. There are places in
the United States where Toys "R" Us isn't present, so interestingly enough,
you'll often find those toys made exclusively for them being sold on eBay at
higher prices because shoppers don't have access to them moncler
womens vests elsewhere. This means that some eBay sellers will buy up
items at the local store, and sell them online for a profit. You typically won't
find those exclusive items online at a discount.